New Servers/Multiple Servers
We have not sent out a feature update since May, 2016, but that doesn't mean that we haven't been hard at work on improving Wizathon. Over the summer, a major effort was undertaken to move all of our 3 platforms, Wizathon, Wizevents and Wizadjournal, to a new set of servers. The platforms were originally all hosted on one server. Our new set of servers (5 in all) provide a better level of backup and redundancy which translates into little chance of downtime caused by possible hardware malfunctions.
Event Analysis Report
The new Event Analysis report, which administrators can access from the link on the Dashboard called Complete and Comparative Event Analysis (bottom, left column), displays a summary of your event analytics from a fundraising management perspective. For example, you can see how many emails you sent to participants, whether you used badges and whether you sent the automatic weekly emails to participants and/or team captains. It shows the breakdown, in terms of date ranges, of when sponsorship money came in. If this event has been run previously using Wizathon, it will also show you a comparison between the 2 years. This is a powerful tool for gauging the success of your campaign and different strategic fundraising methods used or not used.
Mobile Phone Photo Uploads
When a person takes a photo with their phone turned horizontally, the photo is stored horizontally even though your phone displays it the way you'd want to see it on the phone itself. When these mobile photos were uploaded to Wizathon, they appeared rotated. Wizathon now checks for this rotation marker and displays the photos properly.
New Sponsor Type - Name Only
Along with the current sponsor types of "standard", where a sponsor name and amount is displayed publicly on participant and team pages, and anonymous, where only the amount is displayed, there is a new type of sponsor option called Name Only. Name Only displays the sponsors name, but not the amount that they donated.
Display Wepay Errors
Administrators can now view all of the Wepay rejections for the last 30 days and the reason for the rejections. This way, administrators can follow up with registrants and sponsors. To view these errors, go to
Setup/Tools -> Credit Card Errors.
Other Added Functionality
Listed below are some new features available and how to access them.
Preview weekly participant and team captain emails. .
Setup/Tools -> Manage Notification Messages
Allow Social Media wording to be customized when sharing participant and team pages.
Setup/Tools -> Manage Profile & Settings
When starting the registration process, instead of radio buttons of Individual or Join/Create Team, there are now 3 buttons to choose from Individual, Create Team and Join Team. These buttons make the registration process smoother.
When a participant joins or leaves a team, the team captain for that team is notified.
Added the donation column to registrant export so administrators can see how many registrants also donated during the registration process.
Added city/state of participant to participant report for use by timing companies.
Allow all country options for sponsorships.
Changed the words Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express to icons for registration and sponsorships.
Allow filtering on the Manage Sponsors screen to display sponsorships for cancelled participants. These sponsorships can then easily be transferred elsewhere.
Allow an administrator to transfer a ticket selection to a hidden ticket.
Facebook scrapes happen every time you upload a new participant or team photo so that the photo in Facebook's cache is replaced with the latest photo.
There were a small group of people for whom the calculation of sponsorship optional fees was not working. This was dealt with in a message to the sponsor.
If a participant is cancelled, s/he is removed from the team AND any sponsorships associated with him/her are removed from the team and applied only to him/her as an individual.
Only allow a Volunteer mailing to be created if there are Volunteer type tickets.
Do not allow apostrophe’s in email addresses.
Sponsor message text box is now limited to 300 characters to match the database field size.
During the registration and sponsoring process, if a person didn’t choose a credit card type, there was no error message, but they couldn’t checkout. Now an error message displays.
Corrected the rare occurrence of multiple sponsorship transactions, on mobile devices, where only one transaction should have transpired.