Walker Support
As you review the tips below, please know, you can reach out to us anytime if you have questions or need any help along the way.  Our intent is to provide participants with as much support as possible ~ having you meet your goal will help us exceed ours! Contact our office at info@DurgaTreeInternational.org OR call  M-F, 9-4p at (973) 461-6621.
*BONUS: Be on the lookout for our monthly Check Your Laces E-Newsletters!  We share great tips on walking, eating healthy, and provide motivational messages of support for fundraising.  It also includes songs that can be added to a walker's play list, along with inspirational videos and information on human trafficking around the world. 
Important Documents
Proven ways to FUNdraise!

How do I reach my fundraising goal?

Step 1: Set A Target Goal! 

  • Setting target goals motivates you to raise funds and encourages your friends, family and colleagues to support you! (suggested minimum for everyone is $250)
  • When people see the direct impact their donation is bringing you closer to your goal, they are more likely to show their support and tend to give higher amounts! 
  • When you've achieved your first target goal, log into your page and set your next target

Step 2:  Set-Up Your Personal Fundraising Page


Step 3: Share Your Page Link & Tell Everyone About WHY You're Walking!

  • Share what you are doing and WHY this is important to you - make it personal.
    • ALWAYS include your fundraising page link so your supporters know they can quickly and easily donate at any time of the day or night!
  • There's no time to waste ~ share your page immediately!
    • In-Person
    • Text Messages
    • Social Media
    • Personal Letters - By Email or Standard Mail
    • Noticeboards (at work or school, for example)
  • Use all social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
    • Stay consistent and persistent
    • Post often (suggested 2-3 times a week)
    • People will feel more engaged by your fundraising when you post regular updates & you share your personal journey
  • If you walked with us last year, reach out to your previous donors!
    • All of that information was saved, as long as you connected your account upon registration. You can reach out to all of the people who donated to you (unless they chose to remain anonymous) by using the links at the bottom of your personal dashboard.

Step 4:  THANK Your Sponsors Right Away!

  • You can send a message directly from your page.
  • Ask them to share your personal fundraising page to help you to exceed your goal.
  • Ask about Corporate Match Donations!

Step 5:  Update Your Fundraising Page & REPEAT Steps 1 thru 4 

  • Change up your write-up
  • Add or Change Photos
It's all about being positive and persistent -
If you sound enthusiastic and passionate about your goals,
the people you are asking will feel the same!



TOP TIP: It's always a good idea to get your closest friends, family and colleagues to make their donations first. When you're ready to share your page with your wider networks, there are already some BIG donations of support leading the way!
The Power of 10 
  • Ask 10 friends to donate $10
  • You've just raised your first $100!
  • Reach your first incentive prize with ease (We now have a T-shirt with your name on it!)
  • Repeat by choosing a different group of friends to target each week.
25 For $20
  • Ask 25 friends to donate $20
  • You've just raised $500 and the Event Bag with goodies is yours for the taking!
  • Try choosing a different group of 25 friends to target each week.  
  • The key is VOLUME  ~ $20 a person adds up quickly!
1. Donate to yourself.  It all begins with you!
2. Ask 4 family members to donate $50.00 each.
3. Ask 25 friends (&other family members) to donate $20 each.
4. Ask 10 co-workers to donate $25 each.
5. Ask your boss for a company contribution of $50. 
6. Ask 10 neighbors to donate $20 each.
TOTAL $1250
Add just 4 more steps to reach $1800!
7. Ask 10 local businesses you frequent to donate $25 each.     
8. Ask 10 members of an organization to which you belong
    to donate $20 each.
9. Ask your doctors, lawyers, etc. to donate $25 each
TOTAL $1800

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