About Us
Bnainu today is a well-known name in Baltimore Jewish education, helping children and families grow and climb higher. Endorsed by the Vaad Harabanim, Bnainu is completing its 14th year B”H of preventative and supportive work. We are filling gaps in Jewish education and helping individuals and families meet their human and academic needs. Together with our perennially successful Bowl-A-Thon, we are introducing Breaking Barriers to provide an opportunity for further engagement with our Baltimore community.
What does Bnainu do?
Through Guidance and counseling, Bnainu:
- Creates open dialogue within families, enabling mutual respect to enhance  learning and development.
- Uses a proactive approach, focusing on middle school age children to guide and counsel children needing educational and social assistance.
- Teaches through the process of listening and acknowledging.  
- Implements the 3rd dimension of discipline: Discipline with respect, not passive nor through control.
- Operates a mentorship program to facilitate a 3 prong approach, working with the studenthome, and school to create a wholesome path for life.
“Some people succeed because they are destined to but most people succeed because they are determined to”

The big question is, how determined are you? How determined are you to test your stamina, push yourself to the limits and find out what you are really capable of?  When was the last time your adrenaline was pumping, your heart was racing and yet your determination propelled you forward towards the finish line??

“What won’t break you will only make you stronger”.

Let’s get stronger, together on March 13 2016! Let’s discover the thrill and exhilaration that comes from setting goals and reaching them. Let’s discover the deep satisfaction that comes from working together, as a team. Let’s discover the intense joy that comes from helping our ourselves and our community. LET’S BREAK BARRIERS!

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

We present you with an event that is sure to take community fundraising to unprecedented heights.

Community leaders, Askanim,  businessmen , and even several talented  high school interns are pooling their skills and talent to present Baltimore with a once in a lifetime opportunity, to join together for a day of extreme challenge, extreme fun, extreme energy and extreme Achdus.

“Let’s turn obstacles into opportunities”

The day will feature over 20 obstacles, ranging in levels of challenge. Participants will trek through rugged terrain, over walls and fences and through pipes, all while enjoying the scenic views that can be found on Tranquility Manor Farm. All 200 acres of land will be utilized and enjoyed. Lest you are concerned that only those with unusual strength and stamina can enjoy, there will be plenty of entertainment for the entire family. The atmosphere will be festive, and upbeat. A Texas style BBQ in the great outdoors will guarantee that even those that burn the calories, won’t burn out.

“Life’s problems would not be called hurdles if there wasn’t a way to get over them”

Thanks to Bnaninu, there is. Bnaninu, since it’s inception has been helping the children and families in our community overcome the hurdles and obstacles that life has presented them with. Bnainu has been breaking the barriers between parents and children and opening lines of communication. Bnainu has built resilience and strengthened many. Bnainu has given kids the training necessary to make it to the finish line,heads held high. Let’s join them and become champions, together.

For more details, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/BreakingBarriers2016/
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