Welcome to Mesivta of Phoenix Bike-a-thon!
Did you ride last year? Find your last year’s page from login and find your password… You may find them in old e-mails. (If you're desperate R' Semel maybe able to give it to you.)
1)Set a Big Goal for your Ride and Raising Funds (The bigger the goal the more you will receive.)
2)Make a list of Family and Friends who you can send a nice email.
2)Write your own personal letter or find it on your page and make it personal. Write about how you appreciate them, that they are important to you, what they are helping.
3)Ask your bigger possible donors first
4)Thank your donors! Email them or text- Thank you…
Be the top fundraiser and receive a jersey and gifts!
Wizathon - Developed by PBCS Technology - 1032
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