Event Details
The Climb 2022 is taking place at the State Tower Building in the heart of downtown, Syracuse on November 19, 2022.
Location: State Tower Building; 109 S Warren St, Syracuse, NY 13202
Date: November 19, 2022
Start Time: 10 am
Schedule of Events
Packet Pick Up (Friday & Saturday before The Climb -- time's TBD)
Runners Heat - 10:00 am Start
Event Remarks - 10:30 am
Walkers Heat - 11:00 am Start
Packet Pick-Up
Friday, November 18th in the lobby of the State Tower Building in Downtown Syracuse, time TBD
Saturday, November 19th, 8 am - 9 am in the City Hall Commons Atrium (adjacent to the State Tower Building) at 201 East Washington St Syracuse, 13202
State & Water Lot
E. Washington St./S. State St. lot
Free street parking
Post Climb Party
Wolff's Biergarten: 106 Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY 13202
Carry A Kid VIP Climber Program:
The Carry A Kid Program was designed to allow Climbers to be paired with an OMT16 child who is currently battling cancer, who has battled and beat cancer, or who has sadly lost their battle with cancer and symbolically carry them or their legacy up the 20 floors during The Climb.
By participating in this program you will not only have the opportunity to connect with the child or family you are paired with but will also be receiving unique mementos relating to this child and program. You will also be recognized as one of our VIP Climbers. We ONLY have 20 of these opportunities available.
The cost of this program is $100 at registration with an additional $400 fundraising requirement. Your $500+ will directly benefit the child/family you are paired with. YOU will be making a difference in the life of this child who can not climb for themself by participating in this unique program. Thank you!
If you are part of a team, or interested in creating a team for The Climb 2021, and want to partake as a group in adopting an OMT16 POP (pediatric oncology patient) as a part of the Carry A Kid program, please email kim@onmyteam16.com or text/call 315-247-9957 directly to discuss further.
If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to kim@onmyteam16.com or call/text 315-247-9957.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Each of the 20 floors going up the State Tower Building will be dedicated to a child currently battling cancer, a child who has battled and beat cancer or a child who has sadly lost their battle with cancer. To be a sponsor of one of these floors, please reach out to kim@onmyteam16.com or 315-247-9957 to learn more
We also have unique event sponsorship opportunities available for you or your company/business, please reach out to kim@onmyteam16.com or 315-247-9957 to learn more
Important Race Day/Event Details:
Please stay tuned to your email and to On My Team16's social media for important details leading up to the event
Bag/Gear Check will be available on race day for Climbers
We will have doctors on-site if medical attention is necessary
There will be unique prizes in many categories for our climbers
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our team directly by emailing kim@onmyteam16.com or text/call 315-247-9957
INDIVIDUAL Important Registration Logistics:
Registration is $50 until November 1st with a fundraising requirement of $150
After November 1st the registration fee is $65 with a fundraising requirement of $150
Your registration fee goes towards your $150 fundraising requirement
If you don't register by 11/1 there is a chance that you will not get a t-shirt or your requested t-shirt size
Online registration closes on 11/16 and we will have limited race-day registrations available
TEAM Registration Logistics:
Team discounts will be provided for those with 8 members or more. To register a team of 8 or more please email jordan@onmyteam16.com to receive your unique team discount code and to learn about your team's unique fundraising requirements
If you don't have your team registered by 11/1 there is a chance that you will not get a t-shirt or your requested t-shirt size
Please email jordan@onmyteam16.com or text 315-247-9957 with any team-related questions or concerns
Online registration closes on 11/16 and we will only have a few race-day registrations available
If you have any questions or concerns, please email kim@onmyteam16.com or call/text 315-247-9957.