Please click on this link to review pictures. They are grouped by participant number in folders. There is also a folder for all images as well. Thank you to all who participated!

Our Mission
The Woods Youth and Their Families was proud to host the Run Forward, Give Back 5k event. The purpose of the 5K was three fold:
  1. To promote a church wide fellowship event
  2. To be an outreach event to the surrounding Severna Park Community
  3. To raise funds and awareness for youth and family missions
WoodsWork is a youth and adult led mission trip that seeks to build faith and build homes through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity. Every year 100 youth and adults are sent out to be the hands and feet of Christ to folks in need all over the east coast. This year we are going to Union County, North Carolina to build three homes.
Wizathon - Developed by PBCS Technology - 1058
Servers: web1 mysql5 Session Name: e1126