100% Raised of $25,000 Goal
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I begin?
Register here to fundraise for shelter pets, enter the online photo contests, and get other registration benefits.  You can create and manage your own personal page, upload your photo to enter the online contests, share your goal, and ask your family and friends to support your participation in Dogtoberfest.
Other Options
Want to sponsor a participant? Click here to search for a participant to sponsor.
Want to be an Annual Sponsor?  Click here.
Want to join us in “spirit”, without participating in the Dogtobefest Fundraiser? Click here to make a one-time or recurring donation.
If you have further questions, please contact dogtoberfest@friendsofuplandanimalshelter.org
2.  Is there a registration fee?
Yes.  The minimum registration fee is $25 to begin fundraising, enter the online contests, and get other registration benefits.  
Don’t be afraid to ask your friends, co-workers, and family for their support so you can help support shelter pets and be eligible for great prizes!  
Online Registration fees must be paid using a major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express).
3. How can my sponsors submit payment?
Online contributions can be made by credit card directly on your personalized fundraising page.  You can also collect cash or checks directly from your sponsors (see next question).
4.  I collected cash and check donations. What do I do with them?
In addition to fundraising online, you may collect cash and check donations!  If you do, please place cash or checks you collect in an envelop along with the offline donation form and be sure your sponsors make checks payable to "Friends of Upland Animal Shelter".  Drop off your offline donations at 2nd Chance Thrift Shop at 972 W. 9th Street by Wednesday, November 3rd by 5:00 p.m. to be sure offline donations are recorded in time for prize awards.  Offline donations with valid email addresses will be manually entered into the Fundraiser Event Website (Wizathon), and receipts will automatically sent to the email address we receive with the donation.
5. Is there a refund/exchange policy?
Yes. If a donation was made accidentally or for the wrong amount, simply make us aware of the issue and we will be happy to make any necessary refunds, changes or corrections. Registration fees are not refundable.
6.  How do I know if I am a winner in the the peer-to-peer fundraising contest or online photo contest?
Prize winners will be contacted and announced on Thursday, November 4, 2021.
7. How can I or my business support the fundraiser?
You can register to participate in the fundraiser, sponsor a participant who has already registered, or support Friends of Upland Animal by becoming an Annual Sponsor.  Please see our Annual Sponsorship Information for more details.
8. What's the difference between a Sponsor and a Supporter in Wizathon?
A sponsor in Wizathon is someone who is donating to support a registered participant.  A Supporter in Wizathon, is a person or business who chooses to become an Annual Sponsor of Friends of Upland Animal Shelter.
9. Can I still make a donation after Dogtoberfest? 
Yes! You can make donations at any time or become a monthly donor at www.friendsofuplandanimalshelter.org/donate.
If you have any other questions, please contact dogtoberfest@friendsofuplandanimalshelter.org
100% Raised of $25,000 Goal
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