Thomas Walsh
Team: Team Tara
$80.00 of $200 goal
Most of you guys know that I was addicted to drugs for over 10 years and some of you know that in the last 2 years I lost my girlfriend, my sister, and more of my friends than I can count to addiction. At this point things are so bad most of you have also lost people to that struggle. The cause behind this one run taps deep into who I am, what I’ve become and what I stand for as a person. I’ll be out there with my brother Gary doing this one for the people still down in that hole. Donations are cool too but if anyone wants to just come down and show me and my brother some love maybe join in it would mean the world to me. Love you guys!
Share with your family and friends.
Money raised from this event will be used to help us bring awareness and resources to our community to combat addiction.
Most of you guys know that I was addicted to drugs for over 10 years and some of you know that in the last 2 years I lost my girlfriend, my sister, and more of my friends than I can count to addiction. At this point things are so bad most of you have also lost people to that struggle. The cause behind this one run taps deep into who I am, what I’ve become and what I stand for as a person. I’ll be out there with my brother Gary doing this one for the people still down in that hole. Donations are cool too but if anyone wants to just come down and show me and my brother some love maybe join in it would mean the world to me. Love you guys!
Share with your family and friends.
Money raised from this event will be used to help us bring awareness and resources to our community to combat addiction.

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