To donate directly to the iANDA! 5K event supporting HAVEN Free Clinic, please complete the form below. To sponsor an individual participant or team, please visit the Sponsor a Participant page.
The donation levels for event sponsors are as follows:
(>$2,000) - Platinum
  • Inclusion in local press coverage
  • Marketing materials recognition (Sponsor logo on flyers – digital and printed)  
  • Social media recognition (Post or story shout-out for sponsorship) 
  • Race website recognition (Recognition on Race website where runners register for the race) 
  • Logo on race t-shirt 
($1,000-$1,999) - Sapphire 
  • Marketing materials recognition (Sponsor logo on flyers – digital and printed)  
  • Social media recognition (Post or story shout-out for sponsorship) 
  • Race website recognition (Recognition on Race website where runners register for the race) 
  • Logo on race t-shirt 
($750-$999) - Gold
  • Social media recognition (Post or story shout-out for sponsorship) 
  • Race website recognition (Recognition on Race website where runners register for the race) 
  • Logo on race t-shirt 
($500-$749)- Silver 
  • Race website recognition (Recognition on Race website where runners register for the race) 
  • Logo on race t-shirt

The minimum donation amount is $10
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Please enter all information below as it appears on your credit card.
For U.S., please only enter the 5-digit zip code
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