Morgan Hunsicker
In memory of / honor of all of the brave children .....
$100 Gold Badge
$135.00 of $200 goal
$100 Gold Badge
We probably have all been touched by cancer in some way in our lives. When I was younger, I thought cancer only happened to grown ups. But I was wrong. My first exposure to childhood cancer was in grade school. I remember a boy named Jackson who had struggled with a childhood cancer and was in and out of school for a bit. When he was in school he was just like any other kid. It was so hard for me to believe that he was so sick. Sick enough that he would pass away only after a few years of knowing him. It didn't seem fair at all. He was so young. We have to do more to end childhood cancer...         
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Childhood Cancer Research!
We probably have all been touched by cancer in some way in our lives. When I was younger, I thought cancer only happened to grown ups. But I was wrong. My first exposure to childhood cancer was in grade school. I remember a boy named Jackson who had struggled with a childhood cancer and was in and out of school for a bit. When he was in school he was just like any other kid. It was so hard for me to believe that he was so sick. Sick enough that he would pass away only after a few years of knowing him. It didn't seem fair at all. He was so young. We have to do more to end childhood cancer...         
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Childhood Cancer Research!

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