Abigail Kellner
Registered Nurse
$1,727.00 of $1,200 goal
In 2017, I spent the summer as a coordinator on the Kol Hanearim summer program, where I had the opportunity to be placed at one of the incredible Emunah homes. During that summer at Emunah Achuzat Sarah, my passion for helping kids grew even more. I decided to become a pediatric nurse because of the amazing children there. I am so grateful to EMUNAH and Achuzat Sarah for helping me make one of the best decisions of my life!!! 
I always wanted to be a nurse to try to help people at their most vulnerable times, but I never knew how big of an impact my patients would have on me. Every patient of mine has changed my life in some way, shape or form and I have definitely become a better nurse because of them.
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100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 
In 2017, I spent the summer as a coordinator on the Kol Hanearim summer program, where I had the opportunity to be placed at one of the incredible Emunah homes. During that summer at Emunah Achuzat Sarah, my passion for helping kids grew even more. I decided to become a pediatric nurse because of the amazing children there. I am so grateful to EMUNAH and Achuzat Sarah for helping me make one of the best decisions of my life!!! 
I always wanted to be a nurse to try to help people at their most vulnerable times, but I never knew how big of an impact my patients would have on me. Every patient of mine has changed my life in some way, shape or form and I have definitely become a better nurse because of them.
Share with your family and friends.
100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 

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