Jonno Rosen
First Year College Student
$246.00 of $200 goal
Did I ever actively decide to be the change I wanted to see in the world? Not at first.
The Summer going into 12th grade (2018), I was privileged to be able to volunteer on Kol Hanearim, a summer program where high school students volunteer in the 5 Emunah children's homes, at Emunah Neve Michael.
On my first day at Neve Michael, I instantly connected with this boy in my Kevutza named Morgan. We were attached by the hip. If a Bnot Sheirut or an American was looking for Morgan, they’d either ask me or they’d  assume I was with him so they’d ask an American where I was (we usually either played saxophone together or soccer or just chilled). During the first week, the boys of Neve Michael went to a park for an overnight trip. Long story short, I got locked out of my tent so I fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the campsite on a towel at about 4:00 am. I woke up in a haze two hours later to a blanket thrown on top of me and seconds later I heard footsteps running towards me and a pillow was tucked under my head. It happens to have been that a bunch of volunteers saw this encounter and confirmed that Morgan was the one running back and forth, getting different sheets to cover me. That was just the first of endless stories that built the friendship between me and Morgan. We spent hours singing, talking, learning, (getting into trouble), and laughing.
After the greatest and most meaningful summer of my life, I knew I had to return and do Kol Hanearim the following summer. So I spent my free time in 12th grade tutoring in order to pay to volunteer on KH. I spent the Summer of 2019 in Emunah Neve Landy.
I think whatever change I made was a product of volunteering on KH, where I did not necessarily think I’d be changing anything, but rather saw the change in retrospect. After seeing how much “change potential” I had inside me, I made it my best effort to do more in the coming years. But nothing would have been possible without my sister introducing me to Emunah and Kol Hanearim.
Share with your family and friends.
100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 
Did I ever actively decide to be the change I wanted to see in the world? Not at first.
The Summer going into 12th grade (2018), I was privileged to be able to volunteer on Kol Hanearim, a summer program where high school students volunteer in the 5 Emunah children's homes, at Emunah Neve Michael.
On my first day at Neve Michael, I instantly connected with this boy in my Kevutza named Morgan. We were attached by the hip. If a Bnot Sheirut or an American was looking for Morgan, they’d either ask me or they’d  assume I was with him so they’d ask an American where I was (we usually either played saxophone together or soccer or just chilled). During the first week, the boys of Neve Michael went to a park for an overnight trip. Long story short, I got locked out of my tent so I fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the campsite on a towel at about 4:00 am. I woke up in a haze two hours later to a blanket thrown on top of me and seconds later I heard footsteps running towards me and a pillow was tucked under my head. It happens to have been that a bunch of volunteers saw this encounter and confirmed that Morgan was the one running back and forth, getting different sheets to cover me. That was just the first of endless stories that built the friendship between me and Morgan. We spent hours singing, talking, learning, (getting into trouble), and laughing.
After the greatest and most meaningful summer of my life, I knew I had to return and do Kol Hanearim the following summer. So I spent my free time in 12th grade tutoring in order to pay to volunteer on KH. I spent the Summer of 2019 in Emunah Neve Landy.
I think whatever change I made was a product of volunteering on KH, where I did not necessarily think I’d be changing anything, but rather saw the change in retrospect. After seeing how much “change potential” I had inside me, I made it my best effort to do more in the coming years. But nothing would have been possible without my sister introducing me to Emunah and Kol Hanearim.
Share with your family and friends.
100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 

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