Pale Ale Badge
Stanley Workman-Fernandez adopted Dec. 4 2011, Deceased Aug 25 2021
Ice Princess came to the shelter just like her name implies, ice cold and covered in fleas and dirt. He chances for survival were minimal but our dedicated foster team jumped into action to give her every possible chance for survival. Step 1, warm her up slowly and get rid of the fleas that had caused her gums to be pale and resulted in flea anemia. Step 2, clean her up once she was warm, no one likes to be covered in dirt and leaves. Step 3--see if we could get her to eat anything. And then the very slow process of nursing her back to health began. She started slowly but had a huge will to fight and blossomed in the love of her foster family.
We get hundreds of underage fosters every year that a dedicated team of foster families work incredibly hard to feed, clean and socialize.
More pictures of fosters are in the photo gallery.
All proceeds from Dogtoberfest will go to support Friends of Upland Animal Shelter's Extended Care, Foster, Transfer, and Animal Advocacy Programs to save, care for, and find loving homes for shelter pets.
Ice Princess came to the shelter just like her name implies, ice cold and covered in fleas and dirt. He chances for survival were minimal but our dedicated foster team jumped into action to give her every possible chance for survival. Step 1, warm her up slowly and get rid of the fleas that had caused her gums to be pale and resulted in flea anemia. Step 2, clean her up once she was warm, no one likes to be covered in dirt and leaves. Step 3--see if we could get her to eat anything. And then the very slow process of nursing her back to health began. She started slowly but had a huge will to fight and blossomed in the love of her foster family.
We get hundreds of underage fosters every year that a dedicated team of foster families work incredibly hard to feed, clean and socialize.
More pictures of fosters are in the photo gallery.
All proceeds from Dogtoberfest will go to support Friends of Upland Animal Shelter's Extended Care, Foster, Transfer, and Animal Advocacy Programs to save, care for, and find loving homes for shelter pets.
Stanley Workman-Fernandez adopted Dec. 4 2011, Deceased Aug 25 2021