Corriann Huston
$775.00 of $500 goal
Our sweet little Evelyn was born still on December 30, 2013. Our lives have changed forever and there isn't a moment that goes by that we do not think about her.  She is a huge part of our family.  The Let's Not Be Still walk gives our family a chance to celebrate and honor her life.  We would love for our friends and family to come out and support us along with remembering our daughter.
  I feel blessed to be participating in the 4th Annual Let's Not Be Still! Pregnancy & Infant Loss Run/Walk.  Money raised from this event will be used to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage advocacy and family support regarding stillbirth.
Please help by supporting our family and those that have lost their precious babies.
Corriann, Jimb and the Huston ACES 
Share with your family and friends.
Our sweet little Evelyn was born still on December 30, 2013. Our lives have changed forever and there isn't a moment that goes by that we do not think about her.  She is a huge part of our family.  The Let's Not Be Still walk gives our family a chance to celebrate and honor her life.  We would love for our friends and family to come out and support us along with remembering our daughter.
  I feel blessed to be participating in the 4th Annual Let's Not Be Still! Pregnancy & Infant Loss Run/Walk.  Money raised from this event will be used to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage advocacy and family support regarding stillbirth.
Please help by supporting our family and those that have lost their precious babies.
Corriann, Jimb and the Huston ACES 
Share with your family and friends.

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