Oye Boys
Captain: Leah Oye
$1,230.00 of $500 goal
We are walking this year to honor and remember our two boys Thomas and Andrew.  Thomas Senger Oye was stillborn on Dec 30th, 2015 and Andrew Marvin Oye was stillborn on July 12th, 2016.  The support we received from Star Legacy Foundation and 11 Angels was unbelievably generous and kind.  They showed up with little notice, in the middle of the night and provided us with support and resources we wouldn't even have thought of needing.
Since experiencing the heartbreaking loss of our boys we have become much more aware of the lack of research and emphasis there is on stillbirths in the US and worldwide. The statistic that shocks me the most is that, despite all of the other medical advances, in the past 50 years the rate of stillbirths has not decreased.  We can all help to change this fact by donating to Star Legacy Foundation where the money will go right into stillbirth research and supporting families just like ours.
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We are walking this year to honor and remember our two boys Thomas and Andrew.  Thomas Senger Oye was stillborn on Dec 30th, 2015 and Andrew Marvin Oye was stillborn on July 12th, 2016.  The support we received from Star Legacy Foundation and 11 Angels was unbelievably generous and kind.  They showed up with little notice, in the middle of the night and provided us with support and resources we wouldn't even have thought of needing.
Since experiencing the heartbreaking loss of our boys we have become much more aware of the lack of research and emphasis there is on stillbirths in the US and worldwide. The statistic that shocks me the most is that, despite all of the other medical advances, in the past 50 years the rate of stillbirths has not decreased.  We can all help to change this fact by donating to Star Legacy Foundation where the money will go right into stillbirth research and supporting families just like ours.
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