Dr. Nancy Block
Psychologist, Dean, Ramaz Upper School
$19,058.00 of $18,000 goal
The hope for a better tomorrow lies with the younger generation, and that is where I invested my time. Our youth need to be empowered by understanding the wisdom of the Torah, by internalizing the lessons of history and by being inspired to be the face of change. As a parent, as a community member and in my professional career, I viewed community service involvement as a vehicle to develop a sense of purpose and meaning. For many teens the Heritage trip to Poland and Israel is a life altering experience. As painful as it was for me, I led over 16 groups on this trip, facilitating their dialogue with God and themselves as they grappled with questions about the meaning of their lives and the kind of world they want to help shape. Twenty five years ago, I started Deal Day, a program in Camp Simcha where young leaders from the Syrian Community in Deal sponsor and plan an incredible day of entertainment and gifts for children with life threatening disease. It has become a highlight of the summer for the campers and provides a light and energy for them that helps get them through some very dark times. But, for the Deal Day participants, they leave having received much much more than they gave. There are many more community service projects that I have used to inspire teens to be the face of change. It is the appreciation that what we do matters, and that every act of kindness inspires others and creates a chain reaction that can change the world.
My journey to be the change did not begin with an epiphany. It evolved as an ever present sense of responsibility; an obligation to make a difference in the world within which I lived. As a child of Holocaust survivors, I grew up in the shadows of the millions of lives that were cut short. My father looked directly into the eyes of evil, but yet, still believed in the goodness of mankind. He saw what unbridled hatred could do, but yet, he held steadfast in his hope for a better tomorrow. It was as if there was an unspoken theme in our home, that we had to complete what the others could not. We were raised with a deep appreciation of life's gifts. The gifts we often take for granted, with the ultimate gift being the one we give to others. It was a powerful message to learn, and continues to be my overwhelming life mission.
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100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 
The hope for a better tomorrow lies with the younger generation, and that is where I invested my time. Our youth need to be empowered by understanding the wisdom of the Torah, by internalizing the lessons of history and by being inspired to be the face of change. As a parent, as a community member and in my professional career, I viewed community service involvement as a vehicle to develop a sense of purpose and meaning. For many teens the Heritage trip to Poland and Israel is a life altering experience. As painful as it was for me, I led over 16 groups on this trip, facilitating their dialogue with God and themselves as they grappled with questions about the meaning of their lives and the kind of world they want to help shape. Twenty five years ago, I started Deal Day, a program in Camp Simcha where young leaders from the Syrian Community in Deal sponsor and plan an incredible day of entertainment and gifts for children with life threatening disease. It has become a highlight of the summer for the campers and provides a light and energy for them that helps get them through some very dark times. But, for the Deal Day participants, they leave having received much much more than they gave. There are many more community service projects that I have used to inspire teens to be the face of change. It is the appreciation that what we do matters, and that every act of kindness inspires others and creates a chain reaction that can change the world.
My journey to be the change did not begin with an epiphany. It evolved as an ever present sense of responsibility; an obligation to make a difference in the world within which I lived. As a child of Holocaust survivors, I grew up in the shadows of the millions of lives that were cut short. My father looked directly into the eyes of evil, but yet, still believed in the goodness of mankind. He saw what unbridled hatred could do, but yet, he held steadfast in his hope for a better tomorrow. It was as if there was an unspoken theme in our home, that we had to complete what the others could not. We were raised with a deep appreciation of life's gifts. The gifts we often take for granted, with the ultimate gift being the one we give to others. It was a powerful message to learn, and continues to be my overwhelming life mission.
Share with your family and friends.
100% of every dollar raised from Emunah's Changemakers will go directly towards Emunah's children and families at-risk providing treatment, therapy, and support to change their lives forever. 

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